Martinez Mail Sep-Oct 2017 pt.2- Coming to America

As we left our missionaries Chuck & Robin Martinez from pt.1, they has just put the pedal-to-the-metal aimed for Rowlett TX and a brief visit with family. We began to accomplish tasks that can only be done while in the states, medical checkups, banking, purchases of everything we may need in Guatemala for the next 11 months. Oddly enough, we never seem to empty a suitcase, even though most of …

Martinez Mail Sept-Oct 2017 pt.1- The Departure

Even as prepared as one can be, there are circumstances that can never be anticipated. Such was the case as Robin and I made our plans for 30 days in the US. Our carefully constructed plans included keeping up with our normal ministry outreach’s in Guatemala while adjusting the focus of one eye, towards Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Mid September is the culmination of weeks of celebrating “Independence” across the …

Martinez Mail June 2017 part 2

Most days in “the city“, Guatemala City that is, can be an adventure. Driving in the heavy traffic, on narrow streets, and trying to identify poorly marked intersections, is just another day on the mission field in Central America. On this day we are hunting down the most favorable prices on needed equipment.  Generous support has made it possible to purchase sewing machines in country, facilitating additional outreaches. Robin gearing …

Martinez Mail June 2017- part 1

It is officially the wet season so, cloud cover and thunder storms are a daily occurrence. But once in a while you get a gap in the weather pattern, sometimes days long, other times just for a few hours.  Meanwhile, inside the tall doors of the Mercy Wings International (MWI) hangar in Quetzaltenango, several days of meticulous, painstaking, work is just beginning. Like a finely choreographed Ballet, all is in place and ready. The …

May 2017- Save It For a Rainy Day

“Life on the mission field has its “focused” moments, like getting the Gospel out to the people, or ministering to the physical needs of those within your reach. Then there are those moments when the unexpected fights for all your attention.” -Chuck Martinez, Missionary to Guatemala. A few flights– The weather pattern as we move into wet season, it is less erratic and becoming easier to predict. Support flights were few during this month of seasonal transition, …

Adventures in April 2017

Holy Week in Central America. The streets are filled with precessions and displays that are both colorful and solemn at the same time. With great care, residents along the processional routes build-up brightly colored carpets. These carpets are not rolled out, but created, using colored wood shaving, flowers, and vegetables. Everyone enjoys making carpets in front of their houses with the help of family and visitors. There is no formal census defining religious affiliation in Guatemala, and it is estimated that …

Robins Revelations May 2017

Robins vision born two years ago, is to train young women in a useful skill.  This is a group are students at Living Water Teaching Bible Institute, Quetzaltenango Guatemala. A finishing touch is what Robin likes to call these four month long training courses. Donated machines and materials are used to bring out and cultivate abilities that serve the individual but also minister to people and community. Costs for US domestic, then international shipping to Guatemala …

Forethought & Fumblings in Febuary 2017

Contrary to popular belief every hour of missionary flight is preceded by several hours of paperwork required by Federal Aviation Regulation and host country requirements. After the actual flight, there may be a need for some maintenance, that will always be followed by more paper. Using aircraft to serve the people of Guatemala sometimes requires attention be focused on support or facilities concerns. So, what goes on around the edges …

Many Blessings During March 2017

Robin and I were pleased to have our daughter Rachael and grand Lylah visit us in Guatemala for almost the entire month. At the same time, preparation were being made for LWT’s evangelistic medical campaign in Aldea Barrios, Olintepeque. Joining the U.S., team of 23 volunteers were special visitors from Shiloh Christian Center, Sierra Vista AZ, and Church of the Hills, Lometa TX. By the end of this Evangelistic Medical Campaign 2,450 people were treated for vision, dental, …

Back in the action

Early October came with a surprise, a kidney stone, and medical bills. Today, these are just a memory. Struck down, but not destroyed! In pilot talk, “I’m back in the left seat”. What could have remained an extremely heavy situation, very quickly turned into a manageable team effort. I am grateful for every prayer offered, every encouraging word extended, and every dollar hurriedly sent to get me (us) back in the game, on …