Let None Be Forgotten

Families who have lost their homes in tropical storm Eta are sheltering inside this local church. SGSP international director, Chuck Martinez, lends a hand with the distribution phase of the process after the air transport mission is complete. 

In the aftermath of tropical storm Eta, the rural people in the northeastern regions of Guatemala begin to take stock of what is left of their lives and livelihoods. These are the fortunate ones. For others, land and mud slides have completely wiped away meager and fragile family dwellings. Their reality is grim. Just hours after the rains subsided, Christian relief organizations began to mobilize, preparing 30 lb. bags of food for distribution in hard hit areas. Effective distribution depends on relief directors that are on the ground ahead of time to coordinate with local pastors and village leaders. SGSP Aviation Ministries (SGSP) is one of the organizations called into service. It takes 12 hours to drive to the affected region, but with aircraft, relief coordination can begin in those areas in as little as 35 minutes. The ability to transport the right people to the right place at the right time is the power of mission aviation 

SGSP Aviation MinistriesWe Give Wings to Good Works. 

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