Starting The Day

Tucked in my flight bag on each journey, this old-school paper Bible is my well-traveled and trusted companion.  The golden gilding on the pages has long since worn away, and the binding is a bit dog-eared, but still holds the pages firmly to the spine. The battered leather cover continues to protect the pages within, even if dry Mexican deserts, steaming Belize jungles, and the last 15 years in the mountain regions of Guatemala have taken their toll.

Nearing the two-decade mark as missionaries, Chuck & Robin have learned to never expect the routine, and above all, seek God’s wisdom daily by reading and meditating on His Word. In missionary life, there are very few days that could be called “routine.” Stacks of paperwork demand attention daily, as does a to-do list that never seems to get any shorter. The plan formulated yesterday may well be obsolete before the sun rises. Such is the unpredictable life on the mission field of Guatemala. Hence, our reliance on wisdom and guidance from the Lord daily. We are modern-day missionaries that live with, labor for, and love the people of Guatemala. We are also the founding directors of Serving God by Serving His People (SGSP) Aviation Ministries, Inc. Consider using your aviation skills on the mission field of Guatemala. Think about the value of your testimony in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the people. You could also use your administration, computer, or communication skills from home. Inquire about serving God by serving His people along with us.

SGSP Aviation Ministries- We Give Wings to Good Works!

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