A Small Piece of the Puzzle

When your heart is knitted to a people or place, as ours is in Guatemala, you are always on the lookout for way to serve the people. This sometimes takes the form of collaboration with other ministries or missionaries. This way real needs are met by real people, simple missionaries on the ground, in the neighborhoods, touching lives with faith and works.

Brought Out Into the Light

Everything seemed okay, it had been months since we move to a new residence in Quetzaltenango. Most of our belongings were out of boxes, the furniture had been arrange, and re-arranged. We had slowly become accustom to the sounds and personality quirks of our new home. It was the very last of the dry season, the grass was mostly brown, except in one area. Out back there is a 4 …

Martinez Mail December 2017- Closing Thoughts

It’s here in the last week of 2017, Robin and I look back and reflect on the happenings over the last 12 months. We agreed with one another that the entire year has been defined by an overwhelming urgency to be about the Fathers business. Then, with spiritual eyes we began to look ahead and sense a new wind forming. A wind that will propel us to destinations far beyond …

A Routine Day……Maybe?

These past few weeks, the skies have been blue, with almost unlimited visibility. The dry season has peaked, the land is brown and dusty. The wet season is still a ways off, but the signs are mounting. Soon the rains will be upon us, and green will be the color that floods our vision. Its late afternoon and the winds tend to swirl off of the sun heated ground. As we …

Making “time” for the Gospel

Time is a precious thing, and in today’s world, there is often too little of it. For the this reason, Mercy Wings International (MWI) is all about getting the Gospel to the people using the speed and reliability of aircraft. Because of the aircraft advantage,-  ministry workers in Guatemala spend less time traveling and more time teaching,  preaching, and evangelizing. “The Gospel is only good news if it gets there …

The Mighty Engine….

“Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.” — A.B. Simpson Albert Benjamin Simpson (December 15, 1843 – October 29, 1919), also known as A. B. Simpson, was a Canadian preacher, theologian, author, and founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), an evangelical Protestant denomination with an emphasis on global evangelism. For Robin and I (Chuck), as missionaries that live and labor in the western …